Many of my patients are on gluten free diets; this is sometimes due to wheat sensitivity and yet others have an autoimmune response after ingesting products containing gluten.  There are many speculations as to why people are developing an aversion to gluten, the protein in wheat, barley, and rye. But whatever the reason, more and more people are finding out they have an aversion to gluten and major companies are taking note.

Gluten free products have become a multi-billion dollar industry, thus companies are competitively trying to break into the market.  Just this past month, Frito-Lay promoted their new gluten-free products. At this time, they have put gluten-free labeling on several products including; Lays, Doritos, Tostitos, Ruffles, and Cheetos.   Frito Lay stated that they are working with the Celiac Disease Foundation and the National Foundation for Celiac Awareness to educate consumers and health professionals about gluten-free resources and options.

Dominoes Pizza also tried to capitalize on the new gluten-free trend with a gluten free pizza crust.  This decision, however, came under fire by the North American Society for the study of Celiac Disease because the crust was made in the store with the normal wheat crusts, thus causing cross contamination.  The crusts, although they may be suitable for those with merely a sensitivity, are not something that should be labeled gluten-free and risk causing physical damage to those who do suffer from Celiac Disease.

Although the market for gluten-free products is getting bigger, I always advise patients to be careful about what the products are and how they are prepared.  Often times, in restaurants with gluten-free menus, the staff is not educated on cross-contamination which could cause severe problems for Celiac sufferers.  If you would like to share your favorite gluten-free products or restaurants, I would love to hear back from you!

Disclaimer: The information presented on this website is not intended to take the place of your personal physician’s advice and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.  Discuss this information with your healthcare provider to determine what is right for you.  All information is intended for your general knowledge only and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment for specific medical condition