Atrantil – Background Story
In 2010, I was doing clinical research for pharmaceutical companies on new IBS drugs. This work involved a lot of interaction with various researchers and during this time one of the researchers, Dr. Mark Pimentel, expressed his concern that the antibiotics he was working on would not be able to help those patients that have bacterial overgrowth with constipation.
His reasoning was that when you have constipation you’re producing methane gas, and methane slows everything down in the intestines. Unfortunately, our modern-day antibiotics don’t affect the organism that’s producing the methane, which is called an archaebacter. Dr. Pimentel’s explanation made sense and explained why the patients in our trials with these symptoms were not getting better.

The “Aha Moment”
One day during this period, I was in my office illustrating on my dry erase board this whole process of methane production and realized that if we can figure out how to stop this methane then we can really help a lot people. That’s when my research manager, Brandi Scott, came into my office and I explained to her why the antibiotics we were testing were unsuccessful due to not being able to stop the methane production by the archeabacteria.
Brandi had previously spent some time writing policy for a senator in Iowa and she let me know that she had worked on a mandate requiring farmers that they put certain food products in the cattle feed to decrease the methane production in the cattle. That was my “Aha Moment”… if I can use the agricultural industry research to learn how to decrease methane product in humans, I’ll have a natural solution to the problem that will help millions of people.
How does Atrantil Work?
Atrantíl uses natural botanical extracts to remove unwanted bacteria from the gut in a 3-step process. This helps to provide relief from uncomfortable bloating and abdominal discomfort while protecting your overall digestive health.
Here’s how it works:
- First, Peppermint Leaf (M. balsamea Willd extract)calms the small bowel. This gives Atrantíl’s two other botanicals the right amount of time to work most effectively.
- Next, Flavonoids from Quebracho extract (a South American hardwood tree) soak up hydrogen and create an unfriendly environment for the archaebacteria. They weaken the cell walls—setting the stage for Atrantíl’s third botanical.
- Finally, the third ingredient, a natural antibacterial from Conker Tree extract, binds to the reductase enzyme in the weakened archaebacteria—stopping the methane production.
Who should take Atrantil?
Bloating – If you experience bloating after you eat, you should try Atrantil. The bacteria in your small bowel feeds on the starches in our food, which leads to the methane production and ultimately the uncomfortable bloating. The Atrantil 3-step process disrupts the methane creation process by moving the unwanted bacteria in your small bowel to the colon and reduces the bloating.
Maintenance Dose – Many of my patients continue taking Atrantil after achieving relief from their bloating symptoms to maintain gut stability by taking 2 capsules daily. In addition to keeping a digestive balance in the small intestine, the antioxidants and polyphenols in Atrantil help with overall digestive health.
Digestive Health Benefit – Health begins and ends in your gut. You have 100 trillion bacteria that need to be fed the right diet; a diet rich in polyphenols. Polyphenols are natures molecules that help your good bacteria work for you. The polyphenols in Atrantil help to restore your gut to normal and feeds your bacteria what it wants and where it needs it.
Atrantil is safe to take every day as part of your overall digestive health regimen.
Clinical Trials
To test for safety and prove that the Atrantil formulation was more than just a good idea, we have conducted two peer reviewed and published clinical studies.
Double-Blind Study
In a double-blind clinical study of patients suffering from bloating, constipation and abdominal discomfort, Atrantíl proved to be more than 88 percent effective in relieving symptoms. The results of the study were published in the Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Research – September 21, 2015 pp. 1762-1767.
Open-Label Study
The open-label study targeted the toughest-to-treat patients to illustrate the efficacy of Atrantíl. Before beginning the study, patients qualified to participate only after failing to find relief from at least four other therapies. The trial showed that 80 percent of patients found relief after using Atrantíl to control their bloating, constipation and abdominal discomfort. The results of the study were published in the World Journal of Gastrointestinal Pharmacology and Therapeutics – August 6, 2016 pp. 463-468.
We look forward to conducting more larger scale clinical trials in the future.
Get Bloating Relief Naturally
To learn more about or purchase Atrantil I encourage you to visit The website will provide detailed information on:
- Dosing recommendations
- Ingredients
- Digestive Health Benefits
- Common FAQs
- Retail Locations
Also, they have a great support team that you can access via the website to ask questions related to Atrantil.
The Atrantil Journey
The Atrantil journey has opened my eyes to a whole new world of using mother nature to help in digestive health. My work with Atrantil has now allowed me to think outside the box and I am meeting amazing scientists from around the world to try and develop more natural solutions. I am helping to bridge the gap in digestive health between traditional medicine and the more the functional style.